Walking along the River Deveron in North-East Scotland
Home Page

The whole river

The source to the Cabrach

The Cabrach


Glass to Huntly

Huntly to Rothiemay

Rothiemay to Bridge-of-Marnoch

Bridge-of-Marnoch to Turriff

Turriff to the Sea

Some websites

From the Grouse Inn

Either cross the wee bridge at the foot of the slope straight across from the Inn.... ..... OR, to go down the left(west) bank, it's best to go half a mile along the road till you cross the hump-back bridge over the Blackwater.
There is a roadbridge a mile or 2 downstream, near The Pyke, the road on the east bank fizzles out at the farmyard of Tomnaven, then it's a bit rough till you get to Little Gouls. There is a footbridge at Mill of Lynebain.
Click to see the crossing places
photo of the Grouse Inn, Cabrach

photo of a man sitting near a little waterfall on the Deveron near Beldorney

Saint Walloch's Bath is an interesting place. It's sort-of like a rockpool at the seaside, a few feet above the level of the river, i think it fills up when the river is in spate.

Click for information about St Walloch's Kirk

Any photos or comments or stories about your walk along the deveron?.....
Or found a mistake in the info on this website??
please send your information to:- editor AT walking-the-deveron DOT freewebspace DOT Com

Deveron Arts in Huntly, commissioned the walk and the songbook etc. Click HERE to visit their website