Walking along the River Deveron in North-East Scotland
Home Page

The whole river

The source to the Cabrach

The Cabrach


Glass to Huntly

Huntly to Rothiemay

Rothiemay to Bridge-of-Marnoch

Bridge-of-Marnoch to Turriff

Turriff to the Sea

Some websites

There are paths most of the way along both banks, used by the fishing people,

though there are still places where it's a bit rough, especially the last half-mile before you reach the Bridge of Marnoch.
As you set off downstream from Rothiemay, if you choose the left (west) bank, you are walking through the grounds of the old Rothiemay Castle, fallen down long ago

Any comments or stories or photos about your walk along the deveron?.....
Or found a mistake in the info on this website??
please send your information to:- [editor AT walking-the-deveron DOT freewebspace DOT Com

Deveron Arts in Huntly, commissioned the walk and the songbook etc. Click HERE to visit their website